Honey Love Connections is a matchmaking service specifically for lgbtq+ BIPOC seeking to attract love, romance, and partnership with other QTPOC. This service was created to offer a space where intentions and desire could be named, pursued, and met in a direct and supported way.

For some, romantic partnerships are the most intimate, vulnerable and long-lasting relationships of our lives. Since there is so much held and exchanged in these relationships, it makes sense to put forth considerable effort in finding a partnership that truly works for you. Choosing a long-term partner is no trivial matter and Honey recognizes the importance of these decisions and is here to provide the support you need.
Mission & Vision
Our mission is to be a bridge to connect folks to potential partners where there is the possibility of building healthy, adaptable, liberating relationships.​
Our vision is to experience a world where deep and resilient BIPOC love is abundant and celebrated.
Honey Values
Authenticity -- We want you to feel comfortable and confident being yourself. We encourage taking off the masks that we are sometimes tempted to put on to attract or impress people, especially when seeking romantic partnership. There are people who want to meet the real YOU.
Accountability--When you share your desires and needs around partnership with us, we will hold you accountable to that vision. It can be easy to shift our expectations or conform our desires to what others might think is appropriate for us. Having someone to witness and support you in maintaining the expectations you have of yourself and others, can be an important tool in finding the partnership that is right for you.
Curiosity--We hope this experience engages your curiosity. There will be opportunities to explore and reflect, and ultimately discovery more about yourself and your relational habits. Our hope is that you learn more about yourself and continue to expand your ways of relating with the support of Honey matchmaking.
Intention--With clear intentions, we can formulate the most logical and heart-centered steps to reaching your romantic goals. Our intention is provide you and all of our QTPOC clients with a matchmaking/dating experience where you feel seen, listened to, valued and supported. Moving forward with clarity and purpose will ensure the best possible outcomes to enliven your love life.
Passion--At Honey, we are passionate about helping you find the love you want. We have enthusiastically committed to being of service to love, and hope that the love you find feels exciting and fun. We believe that relationships relationships are sustainable when there is mutual desire, interest, and enjoyment.
* These values are upheld in relation to our service, our relationship with you, and the new relationships you'll be forming in your dating experience. We see these values as central to you having an optimal experience finding love.
Aja Trotter, PsyD
Psychologist, Consultant, & Matchmaker
Hey there, I'm Aja. I've been holding space for healing and transformation for many years, and I've recently felt called to prioritize holding space for love and intimate connection in a more direct way.
I've always loved connecting folks who I think would like each other and would often say that I'd be a matchmaker if I wasn't a therapist. I'm not sure why I thought I couldn't do both, but thankfully I let go of thinking and I'm excited to now be offering Honey Love Connection services.
I feel it's important for Queer BIPOC to have tailored support and services where they are centered and understood as they pursue love. I want to hold space for those who are looking for genuine connection and sustainable relationships with other BIPOC. I especially hope that leaning into love can be a healing and restorative experience for our community. Relationships are wealth and the more intimacy and vulnerability we experience in our relationships, the more fully and freely we get to live. The hopes and aspirations I have for Honey clients, are the same aspirations I try to live into myself. Honey Love Connections wants you to gain insight, experience healing, and find liberation through finding and growing in love.