Frequently Asked Questions
What does being a member of the Honey dating pool offer me?
When you become a member of the Honey dating pool, you become a part of a community of eligible daters at no cost. Some benefits to joining this community are:
1. You open yourself for the opportunity to be matched with one of our QTPOC matchmaking clients. You'll have the unique experience of possibly being chosen as a potential match for a client, and being selected to go through the matchmaking process.
2. The opportunity to attend events such as speed dating, workshops, and mixers exclusively for Honey dating pool members.
3. Discounts and deals on other Honey Love Connections offerings.
4. Be first to know of upcoming events, deals, and other offerings.
How much does it cost to become a matchmaking client?
We offer a variety of packages for matchmaking clients that range in price. Prices start at $400/mo for matchmaking and increase depending on the package you choose. To learn more about what is included in each package, please visit the Love Connection page.​
Will my information be kept private?
Yes. Your information will only be used to match you with our clients, and will not be shared otherwise. We will always request your consent before sharing your information with clients if you are matched.
How long does the matchmaking process take?
Each matchmaking plan is different. Depending on the plan you choose, you can expect to work with us between 3-12 months.
Are Honey Love Consultations the same as therapy?
No. Matchmaking consultations are different from therapy. There may be aspects of matchmaking consultations that are reflective and therapeutic, but matchmaking consultations are not therapy.
Other questions or inquiries